Get Involved

Nova for Women and Children strongly values the donations and fundraising assistance from our amazing community.

The financial contributions provided to us is greatly appreciated and is always funded into programmes or assistance for the women and children we support.


As a Registered Charity and Not for Profit, Nova has full DGR Status 1 - meaning that all financial donations over $2 are fully tax deductible.  


Nova would also like to reassure you that unlike many other organisations, we take a firm stand that we DO NOT deduct or use any part of your valuable donations for administration, wages, marketing or advertising etc.


There aren't many charities around that can say this, but here at Nova...100% of your donation goes towards providing programs, and assistance to the women and children we support. That's something we are extremely proud of. 


PLEASE NOTE:  Nova has recently transferred to a new Donations and Fundraising Platform, and now use Go Fundraise.
With less fees & more features to assist the women and children we are supporting.

The links below are to our new platform.

Click through to get some idea's on how you can help us help the women and children of our town today! 


Donate today              Fundraise  


Financial Donations can be made via our secure web portal link above, or as a direct deposit to our Bank Account as follows:
Nova for Women and Children

BSB:  032-505

Account:  412162

Should you choose to donate via EFT, please email our Finance Officer at: with details of the amount, the date of transfer and your email/street address to enable us to send you a receipt.

The Voice

In keeping with Nova for Women Children’s strong commitment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, the organisation has announced its support of the Voice. 


Nova for Women and Children have been long time supporters of the Uluru Statement and the desire within this heartfelt statement for reconciliation and recognition.


Our service as a frontline service witnesses the disadvantage and harm of colonisation on the original occupiers of this land, each and every day.


The organisation is aware of multiple views of the Voice referendum and welcome debate and discussion.

We provide this link to any questions on the referendum as a tool:

Everything you need to know about the Voice\


The Wisdom of Women and their Workers - Assertive Outreach Report


Policies shaping assertive outreach with those experiencing homelessness have long lacked gendered and cultural inclusivity in approach or application. This has resulted in responses that are inherently focused on the visible, and hence male, experience of crisis and related housing impact(s). It has also resulted in a fundamental gap in female focused understandings of the practices that can (and should) underpin effective assertive outreach for women experiencing homelessness.


In an innovative response, Nova for Women and Children, in collaboration with the University of Newcastle, sought the wisdom of women and their workers in designing a specialist assertive outreach program for women experiencing homelessness in the Hunter Region of NSW.


Lessons learned highlight assertive outreach with women experiencing homelessness should intentionally focus on targeted engagement to build relational rapport, trust, and safety.


Acknowledging the acute and often complex experiences of trauma for women with chronic or cyclic experiences of homelessness, women and their workers argue assertive outreach needs to be flexible in providing the type of support women want, where and when they are ready, especially in the context of often inflexible policy parameters.


Women and workers noted policy and programme responses can be re-traumatising for women seeking to exit homelessness, often through their lack of responsiveness and sensitivity to experiences and circumstances that contextualise homelessness, especially for women. Stories of women experiencing homelessness and the workers who support them add to and enhance evidence for practice by emphasising voices that have been notably missing from the existing evidence base.


We are proud to present this report; The wisdom of women and workers: practice considerations for designing assertive outreach services for women experiencing homelessness. 


Wisdom of Women Cover Thumbnail

Local Hunter Business Awards - Winners!


As a local front line service that's been doing what we do for around 40 years - for the vulnerable women and children of this town, we're proud to say we WON our category of Specialised Local Business in the recent Hunter Business Award.

Thank you to everyone who voted for us, and congratulations to every other business nominated as well.
We are all just doing our bit for the local community, but have to say, it's great to be recognised as leaders in our sector.
We wish there was no need for a service such as ours, but we are here to support the women and children that need us while they do.
Thank you Newcastle and Lake Macquarie! 

Local Business Awards Winners

Recycle for Refuges


Nova have partnered with Return and Earn and are proudly participating in the container recycling scheme.


That means you can donate and help us fundraise when recycling your containers or bottles.


Just take a photo of the image below, scan the bar code at the machine and select make a donation.


Large or small quantities...every bit helps! 
By doing this, you are Helping Environment, Helping Local Women and Children, and Helping us!


Feel good factor: 100! 



Everybody's Home Campaign Update

Homelessness NSW has partnered Equity Economics in a new report - Nowhere to go: the benefits of providing long term social housing to women that have experienced domestic and family violence. This report was launched on Monday.

It costs the savings to women and the community of providing housing so women avoid homelessness, and return to violent partners because of homelessness. It is intended to influence the public debate and the Government as we lead in to the Women’s Safety Summit scheduled for 29-30 July.

Alongside the report Everybody’s Home has launched this new petition calling on the Australian Government to invest in social housing.  
We need you to help make this a big success by signing the petition and sharing with your supporters.

👉 To sign the petition, click on this link:

👉 To read the report, Nowhere to go: the benefits of providing long term social housing to women that have experienced domestic and family violence, click on this link;

Everybodys Home

Community Newsletters

Each quarter Nova produces a fresh community newsletter to show you what we've doing within our organisation or within the community during the past 3 months. There's also information about, or photo's from our special events, talks about topical news and lots more. Links to the current and past Newsletters are below.  


If you'd like to be first in the know, please click the link below to subscribe. 

(we promise not to inundate you, and we never share any of your information to a third party) 



You can unsubscribe whenever you like, just click here.


To read our previous newsletters, click below:


Summer 2022 Winter 2021 Autumn 2021 Summer 2021
Summer 2022 Nova News Winter 2021 Nova News Autumn 2021 Nova News Summer 2021


Spring 2020

Winter 2020

Autumn 2020

Summer 2020

Spring 2019

Winter 2019

Client Advisory Group

Applications invited


The best way for our organisation to learn, grow and improve our service, is to have raw and honest feedback from those we have supported or worked with.


Are you a woman with a lived/living experience of homelessness and/or domestic violence?


Do you have a passion for influencing change and contributing to homelessness/domestic violence policies?


Are you connected to the homelessness system and wish to advocate on behalf of the group you represent? 


If so, we would love to hear from you!


Please contact us for more information on our next client advisory group, via Ph: 02 4023 5620 or email: